My Experience in Special Education

Hello everyone!

Growing up I always wanted to become a veterinarian, a pediatrician, or a teacher. Once I decided that I would never be able to put down an animal and could not deal with sick babies (because it would make me sad) I decided teaching would be it for me! Little did I know that it would take me longer than I thought to get to where I am now, a student teacher in a credential program!
    Prior to this credential program I never really had the chance to work with students with disabilities, but I am not new to being around those who work in education. My grandma used to work in the front office of a school and then became a librarian, so I would hang out with her and help her put away books after school. My other grandmother is a speech therapist and has worked for many many years, even after retirement, so she would always play games with me and my siblings and test out new methods with us. I also have two aunts who are teachers and an uncle who was a teacher and has just recently moved up to become principal of a school. 
    After taking education 100 A/B I realized that there are so many students who are in need and there are many teachers who struggle working with those children. I want to be a teacher in special education because I want those children to have the same opportunities to learn as their peers. I want them to feel included and I want them to have someone in the education system that believes in them. I want to have an inclusive and supportive classroom where my students can learn and feel safe doing so. They need to have someone that values them and encourages them to learn!


  1. Hi Alexis,
    I think it’s so cool that you have a family that has been involved in education in some way or another. I think your outlook on inclusion is going to help become a great teacher. It is so cool that you recognize that there are not a lot of teachers who know how to work with those students, but you are stepping up to fill that role.

  2. Hi Alexis! It's so nice to get to know you more. That's so cool that you have a lot of role models in your family, and I love that one of your grandmothers tested new methods with you. I would probably do that when I have my own kids. I concur with your belief about creating a space where students have someone who believes in them. I feel like some teachers don't believe in their own students and it affects the students' motivations and beliefs in themselves. The influence that adults in their life is bigger than we think!

  3. Hi Alexis,
    Your post is so heartfelt and grounding I really enjoyed reading it. You had so many big aspirations growing up! It was neat to read a little of the path that led you to education and specifically special education. Students will be so fortunate to have such a compassionate educator like you on their team. Thank you for sharing.


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